Realized projects

Transport system for surface treatment for CIDEM Hranice

Transport system for surface treatment for CIDEM Hranice

The transport system of painted cement-bonded particleboards was designed as a service system for the painting line. Handling is ensured by means of roller conveyors and transfer trolleys at the entrance and exit of the paint shop.

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Sorting line of printed matter and remittances R.E.T. Olomouc

Sorting line of printed matter and remittances for the branch office of the periodicals distribution. The sorting line was designed for the existing hall. The components and frames of the existing belt conveyors were used to the maximum extent.

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Sorting line of printed matter and remittances R.E.T. Olomouc
Higher than kodiak, longer than 4 pools. Our conveyors are used by the largest distributor of newspapers in the Czech Republic

Higher than kodiak, longer than 4 pools. Our conveyors are used by the largest distributor of newspapers in the Czech Republic

We have streamlined the workplace of the market leader in the distribution of printed periodicals. A belt conveyor up to 3.5 meters high and 210 meters long is removed in the Prague hall.

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Roller belt for the assembly line of electric motors

4 assembly lines for assembling electric motors. Each of the lines has a different length and all are terminated by a test site to verify the correctness of the assembly.

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Roller belt for the assembly line of electric motors
Forming line transport system

Forming line transport system

Conveyor system of a mechanized molding line for the production of foundry molds and casting on a casting field.

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